Friday, May 15, 2020

John Kinsey And The Sun Being Centered, Not The Earth

With new ideas comes great debate. Through all great ideas time is necessarily for those ideas to be accepted for example, Aristotle. Aristotle and the sun being centered, not the earth. During the 1950’s sex was being seen as taboo but in fact it is that of biological order. During Kinsey experiments and throughout the film we can see that sex was depicted as a more improper against common beliefs and practices. As well as, not giving much effort however it can be justified that Kinsey observations led to the activists of 70s and the generation of the baby boomers. Kinsey’s rise was slow and steady. Mostly due to his diligent work on a topic that almost seemed forbidden to talk about at the time. A concept that was once attributed for just married couples. Many people at the time believed that sex was only for wedded couples, leaving no room for objection. People of the time scoffed at ideas such as premarital sex, homosexuality and other sexuality that appeared pecu liar. Kinsey changed American culture and a created a media frenzy when he released his first work, â€Å"Sexual Behavior in the Human Male.† Which he then went on several interviews, discussions and panels to discuss sex. Kinsey was a Harvard-educated zoologist who enjoyed studying gull wasps it was not until he met his spunky yet witty wife, Clara â€Å"Mac† McMillen that he became interested in the idea of sex. While teaching and experimenting he realized that there was science evidence behind sex and behavior. When

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